The Perchoirs
The parking of the Perchoirs is situated at around 300 meters east of the Cirque parking lot.
The moment
Check-IN: 4:30PM
Check-OUT: 11AM
You may arrive starting at 4PM to enjoy the maximum of your stay. The next day, have a lazy morning if you want! We ask you to leave your perchoir at a maximum of 12PM (noon). Thank you!
The place
Upon your arrival, take-in a few moments to breathe-out and then breathe-in. Welcome in this forest. She will welcome you! Because we will not be there! Follow the directions to your Perchoir.
All the Perchoirs are designed for two people. Bedding is provided. Drinking water and breakfast are also provided (self-serve French press coffee, two muffins and two servings of wild rose juice). There is no running water or shower. Only a few lamps and a kettle to heat water are solar-powered. Each site has a private dry toilet. We suggest that you bring a headlamp, sensible footwear for forest hiking and clothing suitable for intemperate weather. Surprises are waiting for you!
Warning! This is mosquito country, so be psychologically prepared. We provide bug spray! Each perchoir is protected by screens..
Lors de la réservation, le montant total est prélevé sur votre transaction.
Il est possible d’annuler votre séjour jusqu’à 14 jours avant la date de la réservation. NOTEZ QUE DES FRAIS DE 25$ par nuitées par Perchoirs seront facturés
En cas de forfait Perchoir-spectacle, si le spectacle est annulé en cas de mauvaise température, l’équivalent de la valeur du spectacle est remboursé ou transférable à une date ultérieure. L’annulation du spectacle n’affecte en rien votre réservation d’hébergement.
2019-2025 © All Rights Reserved - Les Perchoirs du Cirque
CITQ #304131
Created by GriffMédia
94 route 132, St-Germain,
Québec G0L 3G0